When you perform regular, thorough tree pruning, your landscape will respond with healthy, vigorous growth. As important as this task is, pruning has aspects that can either harm or help your plants. If you do it at the wrong time, you can do more harm than good with your trimmer. You have undoubtedly seen many trees, perhaps even growing some of them in your plot. There are some aspects of this that you should consider.
Choose the right moment.
Tree pruning time depends on each tree. Performing this task at the wrong time of year could lead to injury. Generally, the best time to prune is when the plant is not actively growing. The dormant season is the period when deciduous varieties are without leaves. Rest also occurs before the active manifestation of new growth, as a rule, in the spring of the year. When choosing the best time, avoid mowing during the cooler temperatures in the off-season, as this can also lead to injury. Flowering trees that bloom in spring are pruned after the flowers have faded.
Growth rate
Seedling growth will provide important information about where to prune, so take the time to study growth and branch placement. Strong branches with U-shaped corners are suitable for plant health. Weak branches with V-shaped corners are definite candidates for removal. Find all the lateral branches and remove any more significant than half or three-quarters of the diameter of the original branch. Make sure the remaining lateral growth is evenly distributed.
Proceed with caution
Take your time and be careful when cutting down trees. Before you start, and at regular intervals throughout the process, take a few steps back to see what it looks like and what else needs to be done. Remove a quarter of the crown at a time, which can cause significant damage. If you need to remove more, spread the pruning out over a year to avoid adverse effects.
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Do not prune the tree if you notice disease or rot spreading up the trunk and branches. There may come times when it is better not to prune. If you see any leaky wounds, wait until the moisture dries. If you prune at this time, you can spread the disease throughout the plant system more quickly.
Get professional help
Whenever you don’t know how and when to perform a pruning task, seek professional help. You can hire a professional arborist tree pruning to help you with tree trimming. If your task involves using a ladder due to the size of the tree, it is best to call a professional.
Keep your landscaping clean and healthy with regular pruning. By doing this work regularly, you will find that it is less time consuming and less difficult.